Thursday, January 22, 2009

You see, the great secret, Eliza, is not a question of good manners or bad manners, or any particular sort of manners.

More stories like this please.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a rousing welcome this morning when she arrived at Foggy Bottom for the first time, as cheering foreign service and civil service employee packed every inch of the C Street lobby, including the balcony overlooking the flags of foreign nations.

I can't be the only one that remembers those smarmy articles back in 2001 about how career service workers at the White House were overjoyed to have the classless Clintons replaced with that o-so-cultured George and Laura Bush.

When it comes to the East Wing I would find it hard to believe that tweener hijinks of Sasha and Malia will be anywhere near as offensive to your average janitor at the white house as having to clean up the vomited leavings of the drunken Bush daughters back from an all night bender but you never can tell.

Then there's this rumor that Michelle Obama has never pulled that classy move of committing vehicular homicide of a an ex-boyfriend. I hope the white house staff will find her worthy despite the fact she's never left tire tracks on an old beau.

Don't even get me started on that gentlemanly George "Backrub" Bush and his inability to understand the term "personal space."

I'll gladly take the relieved accolades of thousands of career Civil Servants who've essentially spent the last 8 years as POWs over the back room whining of a few butlers who were upset that president Clinton didn't require suit jackets be worn in the Oval Office.

Even if we give in to the dubious proposition that Bill and Hillary "trashed the white house" then we're still left with fact that George and Laura trashed the nation. The General Accounting Office can't even put a dollar figure on that last bit of damage, unlike Clinton's missing "W" keys.

The adults are back in charge, even if they don't wear their suit jackets at their desks.

The point is that you sort of have to take off those jackets should you actually want to roll up your sleeves and get to work.


  1. "Then there's this rumor that Michelle Obama has never pulled that classy move of committing vehicular homicide of a an ex-boyfriend."

    Well, how'd she pass the vetting process? I thought that was a requirement or something.

  2. the last 8 years as POWs

    I think you just made the Baby McCain cry.

    I wonder what Chimpy's letter to Obama said: I can haz time off?

  3. Snarkerific

    Not sure I buy the W story anyway. The GAO reported damage, but did not attribute, as far as I am aware, any of the damage to vandalism.

  4. I said in a post a few days ago that if Obama and crew can get us through this mess, they are welcome to smoke anything they damn well please, as far as I'm concerned. That goes double for their sartorial choices. Tutu and combat boots, WWF get up and killer bee bobbles, Tim Curry fashion from Rocky Horror, hell, nothing! He will be judged (I hope and pray) by substance, not appearance.

  5. that was just more freaking lies from the Bush wads--the Clinton's didn't leave any mess or take any keys period. otoh, the Bush's did trash the country but good. and yeah, they were happy to see their new boss. sort of made me weepy. they must have REALLY hated Condi!

  6. You know, this might be your finest hour here.


    Yeah - it is here.

  7. I'm willing wager that Biden can get through two terms without shooting anybody in the face. I'll also bet the Secret Service will find that refreshing.

  8. I'm willing wager that Biden can get through two terms without shooting anybody in the face.

    Biden's much better at shooting himself in the foot (which he then puts in his mouth).

  9. Poor Grandpa Joe. It hasn't even been a week and already he's the comic relief.

  10. I'm cynical as hell...but I have a teensy polly anna inside just itching to get out!

    PS-did your dang six meme thang...
