Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh, some like it hot, but I like it REALLY hot.

There's a lot of stuff I like about the idea of Senator Al Franken but am I a bastard because the thing that's exciting me the most is the prospect of seeing Bill O'Reilly's head explode?


  1. the closeness of the Franken/Coleman race is one of those funny situations.

    If Franken wins, the Repubs will cry foul. If Coleman wins the Dems will cry foul as well (both will probably use the same words, too).

    That said, I'd prefer Franken. Funny how those who say an entertainer isn't qualified for elected office forget Mr. Reagan...

    and, Dean, I should respectfully remind you that EVERYTHING makes Bill O'Rielly's head explode.

  2. I think if it is tied - or too close - they should let Dean Barkley have the job. ;)

  3. Bastard? No, that makes you a Great American®.

  4. Hopefully Franken brings his portable satellite uplink. C-Span could make millions.

  5. Oh. My. Gawd. You think it might happen? I would even turn Faux on to see that. Really. Just like "Scanners?" That would be so cool.

  6. o'reilly could barely say Speaker Pelosi two years ago -- i dont think he can say Senator Franken, he will just go with Junior senator from minnesota.

    besides, i think if his head exploded we could heat the entire state of Minn for the winter

  7. oh yes, I too want his head to explode..hannity and Rush too....I don't even care that the contents will be green glulike snot that sticks to everything ( kind of like Something out of Ghostbusters....)

    I have hope....
