Monday, November 03, 2008

Am I going MAD, or did the word "think" escape your lips? You were not hired for your brains, you hippopotamic land mass.

My last post EVER on John McCain.

As McCain loses tomorrow there's going to be some wailing and gnashing of the teeth in Republican circles but what's going to be in short supply, especially as far the candidate is concerned, is a healthy dose of self-reflection.

McCain's going to blame the media, Acorn and even the moronic Sarah Palin (as if he had nothing to do with her being on the ticket) for his loss. The only person he won't be blaming is one John McCain. Arguably the person most responsible outside of Barack Obama.

If McCain really wants to know why his dream of being President plowed into the ground faster than one of those planes he used to pilot he need look no further than the mirror. Going back to well before the election even started or he tossed his hat in the ring.

The media had nothing to do with his regular support to George W. Bush and his capitulation on everything from torture to tax cuts. Acorn isn't responsible for the fact that McCain has been an Iraq war booster from the start. Barack Obama had nothing to do with McCain lack of temperament going back years when voters are looking for somebody a bit more... rational.

McCain will lose tomorrow because of choices he made not because of outside forces. He's a victim of nobody but himself.

He's too conservative for America.


  1. Exactly...

    I wouldn't say never about posting about McCain...

    you never know what he might do or say...

  2. Yep, McCain was his own worst enemy. However, the GOP as a whole (A-hole?) should share in the spoils of self-deprecation. Their collective corruption and nastiness is finally becoming evident to most Americans. Even with all the voting trickery, it appears the whole party is going to get spanked and they deserve it.

    I doubt they'll learn.

    You could say, "never as a Presidential candidate." But his fun times aren't over yet. There will be more absurd moments of McCainiosity and I know you will be ready.

  3. I bet he and Caribou Barbie won't be particularly gracious in congratulating Obama, either.

    I/m gonna be watching C-SPAN online tomorrow night. Get the popcorn out!

  4. Boy, I just hope it doesn't take all of tomorrow night. I know it isn't fair for West Coast voters.... but I hope it is all wrapped up by 10pm Central.

    I need all the restful beauty sleep I can get.

  5. After tomorrow, McCain will have more time to spend with his daughter, his one redeeming act of humanity.

    And maybe he'll reflect on where he went wrong.

  6. Unfortunately, he represents my home state in the U.S. Senate, so it will be harder for me to ignore him.

  7. If he loses, and god I hope he does, he will blame Obama for not doing those freakin' ten town hall meetings with him.

  8. Gees, POP... if McCain, ah, when McCain loses....he will blame EVERONE.... which could be fun watching. I think that watching all the fucking idiots on the far-fucking-out-right are going to go insane. Michael Savage, Hannity, Limppaugh, O'Really.....

    Boy&Howdy...I'm gonna tune 'em in just to watch them spit&sputter!

  9. Actually its my fault that McCain's going to lose.

    From the Voting Booth I stab at thee Senator McCain!

  10. I blame the socialists.

  11. I have to say, McCain was not a dick at all. I'm sure many Republicans are disappointed by his maturity and patriotism.

    He's earned at least an ounce of my respect.
