Friday, August 29, 2008

A wrong decision is better than indecision.

Today has been spent in the discussion about Sarah Palin's "historic" nomination for VP by the Republican party.(*)

Much of the discussion has centered around the question of whether Palin has the experience and the qualifications to be Vice President or, in the chance that McCain chokes on a piece of chicken at the Old Country Buffet, President of the United States.

Excuse me but isn't this the wrong fucking question? Because personally I don't really care about who the Republicans nominate to be Vice President. They could nominate Tony Fucking Soprano for all I care. It still wouldn't solve the problem that their PRESIDENTIAL nominee is an intemperate, senile old man with little to no grasp of economics or foreign policy.

Screw Sarah Palin's qualifications. John McCain isn't qualified to be President. What does it matter who he chooses to serve with him?

(*I assume by "historic" they mean over twenty years after the Democrats had actually broken that particular taboo. Historic as in "we've advanced as far as the twentieth century." Next thing you no they'll be making the historic move of changing their party's platform to allow women to wear skirts that show their ankles. Assholes.)


  1. I could not agree more Dean!

    "Excuse me but isn't this the wrong fucking question?"

    Yes - the very fucking wrong question indeed.

    Deep sigh.

  2. The MILF lovers will enjoy the eye candy aspect, but this woman is a nut job. She lives in a fundamentalist bubble even worse than Mike Huckabee. She seems to have an animus towards polar bears and she has police department scandals suitable for the night the lights went out in Georgia.

    If McCain croaked, you could expect someone as hackneyed as Bush making random idiotic decisions based on a paucity of information that she would accept into her hermetically-sealed reality.

    Thankfully, this will be another nail in McCain's campaign coffin.

  3. The problem is that her status as a MILF will be given far more airtime than the fact that she's a grade A wingnut.

    I don't think this will be a nail. Obama picks an attack dog as his #2 and McPOW counters with a woman. The talking hairpieces are going to all but demand that Biden be nice to her during the debate, and since he's a Dem, he will.

    WE all know Johnny is a fucking lunatic, but there are lots o' morons out there.

    dean, cover your ankles. The ladies are watching.

  4. fran-

    I don't think I've mentioned it in a while but you rock.


    Thankfully, this will be another nail in McCain's campaign coffin.

    I hope you're right. As randal points out if Biden rips into her at the debate he's the one that's going to get crap not McCain for picking somebody that was in over her head.

    This was a horrible pick from an "actually taking this seriously" point of view. Has there ever been a clearer sign that Republicans don't care about actually governing.



    I don't think this will be a nail. Obama picks an attack dog as his #2 and McPOW counters with a woman. The talking hairpieces are going to all but demand that Biden be nice to her during the debate, and since he's a Dem, he will.

    That's so true. The debate is going to get graded on a major curve.

    Biden's going to spend the whole time thinking "teh stupid, it burns!"

    As for my ankles- the hair does a fine job of covering the skin. Thank you very much.

  5. Hmmmm. Wonder if she'll show up here:

    Check out the Neal Horsley mule bit.

  6. Great post! I think you need to give the republicans a little credit though - they advanced as far as the 20th century! That's pretty impressive for them.

    All kidding aside though, we're fucked. We live in a nation where we can nominate two terribly unqualified people to the highest elected office. What the hell happened to America? Have we become truly a nation of idiots?

  7. I need to clarify - the two people I mean are McCain and Palin.

  8. Pilar-

    Great link. I think I will be frequenting the "republican pedophilia message board."


    Thanks and it'd be okay with me if you meant Obama and McCain. There's a part of me that's firebreathing progressive which I have to sort of tame when it comes to politics so I tend to want much more liberal leadership than what we get.

    If you thought McCain would be a better president than Obama I might have an issue. :-)

  9. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Im votin for Obama,when the negroes take over I want to work in the house not the fields

  10. Bingo! I've grown quite disillusioned by the misguided direction in their attacks on VP candidate Palin.

    Keep the eye on the ball. Republican policies and agenda as advanced by McCain/Palin are BAD for this country.
