Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The antennae! Shoot the antennae!

Overdroid was attacked by a giant ant while filming a love scene with Terry Hatcher on the set of Desperate Housewives.

(That's how I read it.)


Dr. Zaius was attacked and half-eaten by an Assassin Bug. Jess immortalizes it here.

Let's be careful out there. Something really weird going on with our multi-legged brethren.

Don't trust anything with more than two eyes.


  1. I will OD on OD news.

  2. I too, was attacked by a giant aunt. Nancy. All 300lbs of her schizoid ass. Must say, she could swing a nine-iron.

    (BTW, I love that movie's title. It really encapsulates the whole 50's xenophobia perfectly.)

    See also: "Watch the skies! Watch the skies!"

  3. Well, reading the entire account, I have to applaud him his composure. Had it been me, I would have shrieked, and run out of the room. Ants are scary; you never know where they've been.

  4. don-

    It's just too damned much OD.


    That's one heavy aunt. What's scary is they can lift up to 100x their own weight.

    Them! is a great flick.


    That's why I didn't feel to guilty as a boy taking the old magnifying glass to 'em.

  5. I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

  6. Help! I am trapped in the vortex that is Facebook! Nooooooooooo!

  7. randal-

    That's the spirit.


    Hopefully you can't read this today because you're sitting in a trailer on the lot waiting to shoot your part.
