Thursday, July 03, 2008

How did you get to be the way you air anyhow? A-sittin' up here in this filthy hole?

A couple of quick things on the Sonics move to Oklahoma.

The first is that this isn't good for Portland. It relieves pressure on Paul Allen to provide a quality product with the Blazers. He's been rumored to want to move the team to Seattle for some time now. I'd hate to see Allen's commitment to turn the team around falter because of this.

The other thing is that Commissioner David Stern's warnings to Seattle that they better get their act together on a new arena if they hope to have a new team in Seattle are rubbing me the wrong way. I love sports and I know this sort of stuff happens all the time with professional teams putting pressure on municipalities but Stern's talking about public money.

Don't even get me started on how Stern allowed Sonic's owner Clay Bennett to simply go through the motions of trying to get the Sonics turned around so they could stay in Seattle when it was clear from the start Bennett wanted to move the team to Oklahoma. Seattle bears a bunch of the blame for the team moving but they also got a bit of the shaft from the league.

Oh well. Good luck to the Oklahoma Bisons or whatever the hell they wind up calling the Sonics. May you have better fortune in Soonerland. You'll need it.


  1. It is time for pro sports teams to stop blackmailing government entities for free tax money. If they can't make it with what they have, maybe they need to cut back like the rest of us do. Just as with medicine, the drive for constant expansion is unsustainable.

    If the economy stays south, Bennett may find himself wishing for the population base Seattle had before long.

    In my opinion, David Stern is just showing another facet of his corrupt ways.

  2. Moving to a smaller TV market, a smaller population, a slower growing area, but maybe someday, Seattle can be a first-class NBA city. What's that Dave, they already are?

    My, how much ass does David Stern suck. I remember when the Packers won the bowl and Tagliabue was gushing on and on about tradition and what a great story it was. If it's so great, why can't other non-individuals own a fucking team?

    Which would help curtail at least a little of what don correctly said. A billion dollar industry can afford an arena upgrade, if that's the über-sin.

  3. Basketball will be huge in Okie. They've never seen black people before, let alone ones that can dunk. Should be good for the whole culture.

  4. don-

    In my opinion, David Stern is just showing another facet of his corrupt ways.

    True dat.


    Which would help curtail at least a little of what don correctly said. A billion dollar industry can afford an arena upgrade, if that's the über-sin.

    I do think it's a good idea for cities to actually buy the teams. They're the only ones that will be loyal to the area/ fans.




    If it was comic books about sports you'd be in. In fact- check out Blood Bowl.
