Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Well, he doesn't eat much, but he's a regular jackass, and hee-haw, hee-haw, he hawlways likes to be called Arthur.

In his prebuttal to Obama's speech last night Senator John McCain said he was an "agent of change."

"As the Senator from Illinois I am honored to be the first black nominee of a major party for the office of the presidency," McCain said. "Michelle and I are blessed."

McCain's remarks were cut short when aides pushed him into a straight jacket, then quickly ushered him off the stage using cattle prods.


  1. After Obama's long campaign against Hillary, McCain should be a pushover. With or without a cattle prod.

  2. This am on the news shows they were saying that McCain doesn't come off very good behind a podium.

    Guess it's time for him to start showing us how he clears brush at his 10 acre compound outside Scottsdale. Can't wait.

  3. zaius-

    I'll stick to the prod. I just like the visual.




    I'm not sure he's healthy enough to clear brush. I imagine him playing shuffleboard.

  4. Nah, he's even too old for shuffleboard. He plays bridge.

    And when he says he's and agent of change, he means it literally.

    C.H.A.N.G.E. -
    Caucasian Hillbilly Asshole Network for Greater Entropy.

  5. I just can't believe he's still pushing the 'gas tax holiday'.

    So, the big, mean Federal Government will get no money to help repair the rotting bridges and crumbling highways, but the poor oil companies will still get all of their hard-earned money? All so, the working class can save a few pennies?

    More than anything else, I think, this shows he has no real idea of how things work. You can do the same thing wrong for years and call it 'experience'

  6. You can do the same thing wrong for an entire life and serve two terms as president. No matter how you measure it, Obama comes out ahead of McCain on everything except chronological age.

    But this is America. Land of the mostly free and home of the stupid. Crazy Old White Man has a shot.

    So, dean, just to be on the safe side, have that cattle prod at the ready.

  7. We'll see what happens in the first debate. I thinking it goes like this: Obama is owning McCain on every issue then all of a sudden McCain spews white android juice all over Tim Russert and we realize what we've known all along. McCain is a GOP robot that will kill us all one by one if he gets the chance. Keep the prod Dean...

  8. ... to which McCain replied, "Moooo."

  9. I presume you have seent his?

    It explains a lot!

  10. Probably you post is closer to fact than fiction.

  11. Next McCain ripped off his top exposing his man boobs and cried: "I'm the first female candidate too. Just look at these melons!"

  12. OD-

    C.H.A.N.G.E. -
    Caucasian Hillbilly Asshole Network for Greater Entropy.



    More than anything else, I think, this shows he has no real idea of how things work. You can do the same thing wrong for years and call it 'experience'

    You nailed it.

    We don't need any of the Washington style "experience." Those people haven't a clue what the peons are going through right now.


    Oh I plan on keeping the prod. McCain isn't the only politician that deserves it.


    Just because he cud.


    That pic really gives me the creeps. In a good way, mind you.


    I think so. Next thing you know McCain will be claiming HE'S the democratic nominee. He's already stolen Obama's slogan and logo.




    I can imgaine him doing just that.
