Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To make a living people do many things God doesn't do.

I'm just going to do post covering all the stuff that's been on my mind and "clear the decks" in in a sense.

WEASELS - We were never going to win on FISA. If you think about it it's been Democrats that have allowed this to come close to passage each time until the netroots screamed bloody murder. I don't have a shadow of a doubt that party leaders decided after the last go round to spike it until the presidential primaries were over in order to give whomever our nominee was cover. Disgusting.

ET TU, BARACK? - A professor of constitutional law that doesn't understand the constitutionality of ex post facto law. It feels so great to see him trying to hide behind the skirts of the Dodd amendment to pull retroactive immunity. The chances of that passing are about as good as me flapping my wings and flying. Filibuster or die Mr. Obama.

DEVIL'S BARGAIN - With FISA in mind we get to vote for the President that will appall us regularly in the tradition of George W. Bush or the President that will disappoint us regularly in the tradition of Bill Clinton. Yay democracy!

THIS LITTLE PIGGY - Swinebread has outed himself as a looming papa. I know Mr. and Mrs. Swinebread in real life and I can tell you that little boy (they know) is going to have GREAT parents. Can't wait to meet the little bugger.

PALACE COUP AT FABER - Overdroid took advantage of the fact I was on vacation to utilize his long forgotten administrative rights to throw a wild Tom Tommorrow party at my blog. Lucky for me the damage was minimized when Overdroid got a spur of the moment job teaching improv to trial lawyers at Pepperdine at an event hosted by the infamous Ken Starr. I am not making that up.

LIKE A PACK OF WILD DINGOS - Ever watched one of those nature programs where a pack of dogs take down a gazelle? That's sort of what Franiam does with James Dobson. She doesn't even leave enough meat on the bones for the jackals.

SEVEN DIRTY WORDS - I have little to add to all the great eulogies of George Carlin but I admired the guy for the simple fact that he lived by nobodies rules but his own. He didn't broker bullshit and he didn't suffer fools. He'll be missed greatly.

TOLD YOU SO - Don Imus is a racist. Anybody with half a brain that listened to his show could tell you that. People with half a brain don't listen to his show so there you are.

IS HE PLUGGED IN? - I'm surprised John McCain is offering a prize for car battery. If anything I see him hoping they develop a better battery for pacemakers.

GOOD NORTHWEST POL - Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio has reintroduced his windfall profits tax on the oil industry bill. Among other things his bill would allow oil companies to avoid the tax if they spent some of any windfall profit on researching alternative energy sources or increasing refining capacity. It would also ban the export of any oil obtained on U.S. soil. Naturally the oil companies are against his bill.

BAD NORTHWEST POL - Washington state congressman Brian Baird who I listened to in an interview this morning. Among other acts of wankery he completely ignored a caller's point on FISA that the domestic spying had begun before 9/11 and argued that the surge was a success. Vancouver dems do us a favor and get rid of that asshole.

WORSTEST NORTHWEST POL- Senator Gordon Smith is a lying asshole. Smith says he's "one of the first to stand up to George Bush and other Republicans to end this war." Yeah, four years after the fact when he grew a spine. Shame on you Elizabeth Furse for going along with this crap.

I DID NOT KNOW THAT - Liberality hates flooding and rap music. If you rap about flooding she'll probably punch you in the face.

HELTER SKELTER- Joe the Troll wonders if Charles Manson associate Susan Adkins deserves freedom because she has six months to live. Only if she carves a little peace sign into her forehead.

COOL! - If I use a list of links to link to a dr. zaius list of links will it collapse the universe? I hope so.

I told you I had a lot on my mind.


  1. "If I use a list of links to link to a dr. zaius list of links will it collapse the universe? I hope so."

    Well, if Zaius, links to your link of his links - then I'd start looking for a new universe!

  2. thanks for the link!

    "Overdroid got a spur of the moment job teaching improv to trial lawyers at Pepperdine at an event hosted by the infamous Ken Starr" ah ha ha ha ha!

    Those BS Gordy commercials are pissing me off. Where is the response?

  3. It's true. I saw Ken Starr speak. With my eyes. If I wasn't a robot I'd be blind right now.

  4. The Overdroid is a consummate professional.

    Acting! Genius! Thank you.

  5. linking to the comprehensive list of links that Dr. Zaius has on his blog plus linking your links to the links of any other blog plus adding your own link list and looking at all of the above mentioned links = a lot of time spent on the web!

  6. What a great post and so many links to explore.

    Now I have no time for mayo sex or theology. Thank goodness there is no Dobson left for me to skewer!

  7. I'm just going to concentrate on baby swinebread. That's such a sweet thought.

  8. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Thanks for the link!

    "the President that will appall us regularly in the tradition of George W. Bush or the President that will disappoint us regularly in the tradition of Bill Clinton."

    Well, barring personal considerations, I know which decade I'd rather relive. I guess no one ever promised us a rose garden, eh?

  9. I should link to this post. I can't think of a more exciting way to die than to be crushed by gravity and dark matter and other known unknowns north, south, east and west of Tikrit.

  10. mwb-

    Well, if Zaius, links to your link of his links - then I'd start looking for a new universe!

    That makes my brain hurt. But most anything does these days.


    Good question. He's started running new ads now implying Obama has endorsed him. The lesson from Gordo is that you can't even work with him across the aisle on small shit or he'll put you in a campaign ad.


    If you were a real American you would've given him a wet willy.


    He even wears that Jon Lovitz robe.


    It does certainly smell like we've got too much time on our hands.


    Mayo+dobson = the axis of evil.


    The thought of baby swinebread is sweet. What to call the little tyke? Pigletmuffin? Shoatroll?


    Maybe YOU weren't promised a rose garden but I was. I even have it in writing.


    Those are just the unknowns we know about.

  11. I wonder how Liberality feels about people who rap while weaing flood pants?

  12. this is one long link.....

    that was tiring to read

    but good

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