Thursday, May 15, 2008

When the bomb goes off there'll be a thousand mutations! Andromeda will spread everywhere! They'll never be rid of it!

Aargh. Randal's tagged me with a story meme. Worse- it's not one I can blow off tagging others with because it relies on continuing the story.

I had been shuffling around the house for a few hours and already felt tired. The doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw a figure striding away from the house, quickly and purposefully. I looked down and saw a bulky envelope. I picked it up. The handwriting was smudged and cramped, and I could only make out a few words. (Splotchy)

"Meet me at two o'clock at Grisham Square. Don't be late!"

What? I already had an appointment at that time. In fact, that was the only reason I had even taken off work that Wednesday. But, when I saw the photos, I knew I had to go and see what the hell was going on. Oh gosh, now I wish I hadn't, but how was I to know then that Elizabeth would take this whole thing so far? (
Freida Bee)

She had exposed the nefarious Republican oil-for-neckties program, skillfully dismantling its diabolically brilliant mind control scheme, giving each man, woman and child his or her freewill back, and this had made her a national, nay, worldwide, heroine, but -- the fear -- the look of stark, otherworldly terror on the -- could they even be classified as faces anymore?

No, I had to swallow the overwhelming dread that was threatening to force me into complete shutdown, collapsing on the hallowed ground where I would silently, naively wish it all away until it came for -- me. Fruitlessly wiping away a flood of icy sweat, I knew I had to steel my resolve, look upon those photos once more and let them burn their horrific images in my psyche. Permanently. (
Randal Graves)

Yet something was tickling my psyche, trying to work it's way to the surface of my consciousness like that bad memory for grade school I buried long ago. The one where I had to give a speech to the whole class and was trying to imagine them in their underwear so I wouldn't be nervous, when I suddenly realized I was the one who was in my underwear as I had forgotten to wear pants. I realized that the faces in the picture weren't faces after all. I was holding the picture upside down. (
Dean Wormer)

I tag Overdroid, snabalus, swinebread, liberality and zaius.


  1. Thanks for being infected!

    The upside-down picture was a brilliant twist!

  2. Oh, this is great. This is better than a Goosebumps Pick-Your-Own-Ending Book.

  3. Holy crap, I hate when people do this better than me.

    No I have not fallen off the face of the earth, I am returning slowly and infrequently, but still around!

  4. Having had my meme shot I am now immune to memes. Having said that, it is fun to read these things as they go along.

  5. Ack! I loved "The Andromeda Strain"! FranIAm has also tagged me with this... I shall have to attempt to combine them into one post for expediency...

  6. Ha ha ha, genius twist!

  7. well this is gonna be a lot of fun :D

  8. splotchy-

    Your welcome and ick.


    it is sort of like that. love your part of the story, btw.


    too kind! we know you've got a lot on your plate lately.


    A vaccination for memes? Do tell.


    I look forward to it's awesomeness.


    thank you sir!


    can't wait to read your bit.

  9. As usual I have my tagability set to off.

  10. Done, come over to read and let me know what you think.

  11. OD-

    I'll get you someday and your little dog too.




    Great. Will do.

  12. hmmm I don't know when I can do this...
