Thursday, May 29, 2008

As we say in program: progress, not perfection.

I almost missed the very cool news that Al Franken pulled within 2 points of Norm Coleman in his Minnesota senate race. This particular race has taken sentimental meaning to me because of the horrible loss of Paul Wellstone in that plane crash a few years ago and the way Rush Limbaugh and Republicans politicized Wellstone's memorial. Something that Franken himself documented in his book "Lies (And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them): A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right."

On an unrelated note I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who takes the time to plow through my mental meanderings here on this blog. Especially when I veer into the occasional rant. My grammar/ punctuation isn't always up to par, no more so when I'm writing about something that pisses me off like Scott McCellan.




  1. What? Not perfect grammer? Then why am I hear?

    Yea, AL! You're good enough, smart enough, and doggonit, people like you.

  2. Yea, AL! You're good enough, smart enough, and doggonit, people like you.

    Good one Freida.

    It would be great to see someone like Al Franken in the Senate. It would be a real breath of fresh air in that stale chamber.

    Yes, that was the Wellstone crash that gave Bush control of both the House and Senate...I remember it well.

  3. Frieda-

    What? Not perfect grammer? Then why am I hear?

    2 drink mi wiskee?

    I hope Al wins it!


    It really would be a great thing. His sarcasm in the face of a speech by Lieberman, for example, would be a great thing to watch.

  4. Are you taking potshots at those who drink whiskey?

    Man, that right there, not even considering the fact that by doing NOTHING, he'd be an improvement over Coleman, would be a reason for every Minnesotan to vote for the guy. He could skewer them all while in the guise of a nice guy.

  5. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life Dean. Screw grammar!

  6. That fucktard McClellan is a perfectly valid excuse for crap ass grammar.

  7. I can has Cheezberger?

  8. randal-

    Are you taking potshots at those who drink whiskey?

    If I did I never would've made it through college.


    Right on. Screw grammar.


    That makes sense. The grammar and spelling get a bigger pass in proportion to the conservative idiot being discussed.

    I like that rule.


    No cheesburger. Pepsi.

  9. I can't believe that a state that could elect Jesse Ventura wouldn't go for Al Franken.

    I read a conspiracy theory book about the death of Wellstone. Have you seen it?

  10. Jess,

    What book is that?

    The circumstances around Wellstone's death have always been suspicious to me.

  11. Go, Franken! He's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people like him!
