Monday, April 21, 2008

That's what scares me.

One month until Indy!

This is going to be one of those rare films I actually see on opening night so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Please, please be good!

Also- Freida tagged me with the "six things you didn't know about me" game.

  • My undergraduate degree is in history with a focus on Spanish/ Latin American history.

  • I met my wife at a Halloween dance. I was a Frankenstein Monster and she was a six-foot tall Butterfinger Candy Bar.

  • I once got high in college by drinking an entire bottle of Robitusin DM. I saw Jerry Garcia in the clouds.

  • On a visit to Mexico City I did the special prayer for healing at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It took me five hours to crawl to the front of the sanctuary on my knees.

  • I'm a Trekkie. Of the old school variety.

  • I make a mean Enchiladas Verdes con Pollo. From scratch (except the tortillas.)


  1. I can vouch for the Enchiladas. Good eatin' there.

    Robitussin. The stuff went down hill when they removed the pseudoephedrine. Stupid meth heads messed up our high!

  2. STFU Dean... you walked on your knees at Tepeyac?

    No puedo creer!

  3. I think you'd enjoy my schwester...if and when she can visit...

    2nd the Enchiladas man!

    I was once at Notre Dame, but it was so full of tourists and smokey candles I had to step out...saw the spires of the Cologne Cathedral from the train station..does that count?

  4. Excellent, senor (I can't tilde on this crappy keyboard, and I am too lazy to go snag one and paste it, but not to write all this).

    I fell for my hubby at a Halloween party, after meeting him once before that. I was dressed as a man in a suit and I am sure he was in a dress. It was love at first joint smoking in the kids playhouse in the backyard. Incidentally,I got married to my first (and only, technically) husband on Halloween. 'Twas a great party.

    Dude, I never did the DM. Thanks for the warning, but plenty of acid made me see Jesus in the clouds, and be in a space with Jim, Janis, and Jimmi.

    I am a trekkie of the Next Generation variety and loved Voyager for a time, but it didn't last.

  5. so wonderful to learn these little tidbits- loved how you met the wife- that was so funny...

    Now about Indy- my son and I are going and we both are worried...we should al review it...

  6. Bring a bottle of something just in case Indy is bad. Man, I hope it isn't.

    As for your Basilica adventure, was it that crowded, or did you have a second bottle of Robotussin? ;-)

  7. what don snabulous said ... even the extra-strength benedryl is totally for naught any more.

  8. don-

    Too kind on the enchiladas. Next time you're out...

    I am pissed about the meth heads because it's harder than hell to get good decongestants when you're sick these days. That - and them messing up our high. :)


    Puedo- es la verdad.

    I prayed it for a sick friend. The funny thing was that the image of Our Lady was everywhere from the vendors outside the basilica to hanging all over the inside so, when I got to the actual image of Mary I didn't realize it until aferwards.


    I think spires count. Absolutely!


    I fell for my hubby at a Halloween party, after meeting him once before that. I was dressed as a man in a suit and I am sure he was in a dress.

    That is a friggin' hysterical image. It sounds like Halloween is a pretty special holiday around your house.

    Avoid the DM. What I didn't say was that I did it twice. The first time I mixed it with alcohol. Spent the night yackin' How stupid do you have to be to go through that and then revisit?

    As for Trek- I like the newer stuff but nothing beats Shatner for me. I have a soft spot for hammy actors. As my recent sadness regarding the death of Charlton Heston demonstrates.


    I would love to hear what you think about Indy when you see it. We're going to do a little Indy marathon the weekend before it opens.


    The thing is- with that Raider's score you could show anything and it would be entertaining.


    You said it. Stupid Meth heads.

  9. I too am an original Star Trek Fan - a "trekkie". And "Trekkers" can kiss my ass!

  10. zaius-

    I'll one up ya. They can kiss my blue Andorian ass.

  11. "I met my wife at a Halloween dance. I was a Frankenstein Monster and she was a six-foot tall Butterfinger Candy Bar."

    That, my fried is too F***ing cool, now I know why I like you two!

    You are the ma... "ahem" the Ape Dr. Zaius...

  12. swine-

    Thanks! She looked delicious, btw.
