Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Java, java, java, java, java, java, java, java.

I'm throwing down the gauntlet to anyone who thinks they can out-caffeine me today.

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou

That's 89 clicks in 30 seconds, baby. But if anyone calls me chipper or perky I'll sock 'em.

HT to Blue Gal.


  1. hah!
    High - Well Caffeinated & Easily Excitable

    almost made it to over-caffeinated

  2. I must have a sensitive mouse clicker...

    You clicked 180 times in 30 seconds.
    Your caffeine level for today is:

    Insanely High - A vibrating crackhead

  3. Aw yeah, I'm near death! Which makes no sense because I have no energy. My finger is jittery at least. Or possessed.

  4. Damn!

    Had my caffeinated ass kicked by all three of you guys (don- see a doctor)

    Obviously I need to hit Starbucks.

  5. I'm "Insanely High-A vibrating Crackhead"

    I'll check w/Snab for the vibrations...later.

  6. Near Death.
    But if I try a little harder I'm sure I can fill up the whole bar.

  7. wow there's a lot of us vibrating crackheads over here. Coincidence?

    Hey thanks for the linky love, Dean. xo

  8. I'm a vibrating crackhead too, according to the results of the test. See my test results...now...see them now! Now! Now! Now! Coffee coffeeeeeeee...........

  9. Coffee? Two please! (with cream, no sugar. I am trying to my weight, you know.)

  10. LB-

    Have fun with that!


    Perhaps decaf if I may be so bold.

    blue gal-

    Of course. Your site is the awesomest.


    I bow to your superior caffeination.


    What size and do you want that in Grande or Venti. I have no idea what the words "medium" and "small" mean.

    BTW you pic hardly makes you look overweight.
