Monday, March 31, 2008

Intuitive improvisation is the secret of genius.

Today's the birthday of one of our greatest Americans: Christopher Walken. Thanks for all the yuks, Chris.

I think I've posted this video before but I don't care. Nothing says "Walken" like him dancing through a posh hotel to a Fatboy Slim song.


  1. I sort of consider him our ('Murka's) Michael Caine. He'll create some truly memorable roles, but you can expect him to show up in some really awful movies, and yet, somehow, he manages to polish his part of the turd.

  2. I have a fever and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!

  3. I loves me some Christopher Walken. Like Spirula, I like him more for the bad roles. That one he plays in Envy may be the worst, but he made the movie for me with that. I feel so culturally deficient that I had never seen this before. I guess it's from A View To A Kill? Did I just see the best part of the whole movie or was that a music video?

  4. I love the man - especially in the freaky bad roles, as so well put by others.

    But holy crap, the very sight of Grace Jones throws me back to another era. No, I am not complaining!

  5. I love the man - especially in the freaky bad roles, as so well put by others.

    But holy crap, the very sight of Grace Jones throws me back to another era. No, I am not complaining!

  6. spirula-

    Michael Caine? That's a perfect example. Walken can make unwatchable films watchable for the most part. Although "Balls of Glory" still sucks despite Walken.


    He puts his pants on one leg at a time...


    Yeah, the quote/ pic is from a View to a Kill. It is one of the better Roger Moore Bond movies IMO because Walken is the bad guy. Do you remember the ridiculous Risk type video game that electrocuted the loser? That was Walken vs. Moore.

    Did I just see the best part of the whole movie or was that a music video?

    If you're talking about the video of Walken dancing I posted the truth is I have no idea. I think it's a music video but I can't seem to figure it out for sure.


    Grace Jones worked with the best when she was in her prime. Christopher Walken and Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan the Destroyer. Impressive, eh?

  7. He's been creepy since Brainstorm and he was a regular guy in that one.

    Chris is the best!

  8. Damn, I missed his big day. Is it too late to bake him a cake?

  9. Don't forget The Continental! And man, Conan the Destroyer would've certainly been improved with the presence of Walken.

  10. swine-



    Never too late for cake.


    "Fine Chomp-an-ya?"

  11. King of New York baby.

    "I never killed anybody that didn't deserve it."

  12. fairlane-

    Great Walken quote. Thanks!

  13. Walken can do the walk, but he can do the dancen too.

    "to catch a mouse... you gotta think like a mouse"

    damn straight.
