Thursday, February 14, 2008

You're not the man I knew 10 years ago.

Good quality bootleg Indy trailer can be found here.

Official, high-quality trailer will be here later today.

The rational, grown-up part of me thinks about all the crap that went on behind the scenes plus the involvement of George Lucas and doubts. Luckily the twelve year-old boy in me grabs the grown-up me, puts him in a sleeper hold and stands on his prone, incapacitated body while he screams "Indy's back! Indy's back!"

Once the Raider's score kicks in he kicks the grown-up me for being such a douche in the first place.

The trailer has a perfect retro, old-school feel that makes be believe this movie is going to flat-out rock.

Speaking of douches: MSN published a list of the ten sexiest movie kisses this morning. They got a bunch of the greats but left off THE sexiest kiss of all time:


  1. It's a scary thing but time will tell, it' can't be as bad as Star Wars, that seems impossible... gulp

  2. I watched the tailer looked OK but it didn't seem to have quite the pep of the other films, but Indy is supposed to be old so...

  3. The giant boulder bore down on Indy. He moved his walker as fast as he could, but he slipped on a pool of Geritol...

  4. Swine-

    It's got more of Last Crusade than a Raider's feel but I'm okay with that.

    As for pep - whip swinging action, baby!

  5. don-

    :) He probably can't outrun his biggest adversary - snakes.

  6. That's classic! Love it! I'll definitely see the new one when it comes out in theaters!

  7. I had the same reaction you did. Lucas scares the hell out of me, but dammit, once you hear the Indy theme, and see actual stuntwork - fuck your overly shiny CGI shit, George - well hell, I'll be there. Those movies are wired into our DNA. :)

  8. Those movies are wired into our DNA. :)

    Couldn't have said it better.

  9. The sexiest onscreen kiss was Zira and the president of the NRA.

  10. zaius-


    I beg to differ. It was the Omega Man and the post-apoclyptic zombie virus chick.

  11. Well, that was a pretty hot kiss too.
