Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'd like to dedicate this to my grandpa, who showed me these moves.

Thank you Dr. Zaius for the wonderful award.

It almost makes up for the generations of my kind being hunted and captured by your Gorilla soldiers. I still won't forgive you for the lobotomy. Besides the complete loss of memory and inability to pronounce multi-syllabic words it's also left me incapable of getting the part in my hair just the way I like it.

As I keep my blogroll fairly modest by design, I really don't see anyone on the list that hasn't recieved the award already so the award will just have to die a humble death here. I'll keep it in the trunk while I make my acceptance speech.


  1. You deserve this E-ward. You piss excellence.

  2. better than blood...

  3. Ahem... Let's just say that you excrete excellence.
