Monday, February 25, 2008

I loveded you piggy. I loveded you.

Is this karma, bad luck or some higher power messing with me? On Friday I was awarded a pretty nice performance bonus by my standards. Yesterday Mrs. Wormer put a Wii controller into our 47" LCD television playing Wii bowling. If you need me I'll be playing taps on the bagpipes in the backyard.

Also- Haunted House Update - We're probably going to stay at the house sometime in March. I'm planning on taking a camera and some sort of recording device and doing all that stuff you see on Ghosthunters where you ask the spirits for permission to film, etc.


  1. Oh my gosh! I feel bad for both of you. You just got the darn TV. Sorry to hear it.

  2. Yep and as I suspected the costs of repair are about 3x the costs of the t.v.

    I'd feel a little better about it if I had the damn thing for longer than a month.

    Oh well. Just a t.v.


  3. Dern! However, you've given us another perfectly good reason NOT to get a Wii (due to the incessant pleadings from a beaniac!)


  4. randal-



    The wii is great. I just have to keep the SO away from bowling. :)
