Friday, April 13, 2007

It's human to lie. Most of the time we can't even be honest with ourselves.

In case the context of the pre-election Bush quote on email I dug-up and posted isn't clear then this article may clear things up- Rove e-mails may be missing.

Democrats are suspicious that Rove and other senior officials were using the political accounts, set up by the RNC, to avoid scrutiny from Congress. E-mails already in the public record suggest that at least some White House officials were mindful of a need not to discuss certain matters within the official White House e-mail system.

Point is that apparently everybody from the President on down were hypersensitive to the idea that email was discoverable well before this scandal broke. Obviously they can't claim that anything was "accidentally" deleted when the President himself won't even send or recieve email because he's worried it will be part of "record requests."


  1. Yup, and I'm sure their staffers, who were "responsible" for doing the actual work (i.e. typing emails, communicating w/whoever), may even have used dummy accounts-like yahoo,MSN, etc. NO paper trail!

    It was all personal, folks! Nothing to see here!

  2. All government IT has particular standards to adhere to when providing backup etc. If the e-mails are missing, it was an intentional act. We aren't talking about a small office. This is a more scrutinized network than most corporations have.

    As far as that goes, they should get the e-mails from the NSA if they claim not to have a backup.

  3. Yup, and I'm sure their staffers, who were "responsible" for doing the actual work (i.e. typing emails, communicating w/whoever), may even have used dummy accounts-like yahoo,MSN, etc. NO paper trail!

    It's also clearly illegal, a fact to which the administration has already admitted. "Aw, shucks" seems to buy a lot of traction for this group of clowns.

    As far as that goes, they should get the e-mails from the NSA if they claim not to have a backup.

    Shouldn't you have used the (snark)(/snark) tags for that?

  4. I am a stealth snark. ;)

  5. Why can't you let the man commit his crimes in peace!?
