Friday, April 06, 2007

The Impostor did have some "interesting" qualities, wouldn't you say Yeoman?

Scenes You'd Forgotten (or wished you had) Part 2: Vulcan Perv.

In the episode of Classic Star Trek entitled "The Enemy Within" Captain Kirk is split by a transporter accident (I know) into a "good" and an "evil" Kirk. The first thing the evil Kirk does is break into Dr. McCoy's hooch and then attack and try and rape Yeoman Rand.

After all is put right Mr. Spock jokingly mentions the incident to Rand while leering like a school boy at her photon torpedoes. Don't they have an H.R. Manager on the Enterprise? Looks to me like Spock could use a little sensitivity training.


  1. The one I remember for questionable sexual references was the one w/Julie Newmar, who insisted Capt. Kirk was going to the father of her baby, in some kind of Viking world they landed one.

    I particularly remember the laugh-producing costume of her hubby...

  2. At least Spock didn't slap her on the ass as she left.

  3. A rapist's wit

    Sorry LB that was McCoy not Kirk... remember how she said his name "MA-coy"

  4. You're right, I knew it was somebody...I think he ended up having to deliver the baby too, didn't he?

  5. That was the same episode in which McCoy said "I'm a doctor not an escalator." Also I would like to point out that Star Fleet is essentially future military. They probably have a strict don't ask don't tell policy.

  6. I actually love that episode-

    "Goo goo, ga ga doctor?"

    Overdroid - They probably have a strict don't ask don't tell policy.

    Have you seen the workout tights they wear? Oh yeah.

    don At least Spock didn't slap her on the ass as she left.

    That would be in the episode "Charlie X."
