Wednesday, April 11, 2007

He doesn't punish men for discipline. He likes to see men crawl.

Why won't Bush sign the Iraq supplemental?

The elements of the supplemental of which he disagrees such as the time tables and benchmarks are all non-binding. As our local radio personality Thom Hartman has pointed out on a number of occasions Bush could just sign the bill and then issue a signing statement saying he's ignoring all of that stuff and go on merrily sending our troops into his quagmire without facing a single repercussion for thumbing his nose at congress.

So why the veto?

The only two answers I can come up with are politics and his ego. Both are stupid reasons to force a constitutional showdown over non-binding legislation but our President hasn't shown himself at any moment of his life to be a very bright man.


  1. Bring on the showdown. I'm sure it won't result in a complete destruction of our democracy.

  2. Yep.

    Hey, you didn't say anything about my tag cloud. Admit it- it's impressive. Mammoth and impressive. More impressive than yours.

    Say it- you have tag-cloud envy.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I just saw Muntiny on the Bounty the other day. Charles Laughton's Captain Bligh is one of the best screen villains ever.

    I agree with Overdroid. We could use some showdowns with this lame duck idiot president.

  4. Aaron,

    Yeah that's one of those films where I prefer the original. The Bounty with Mel Gibson was good but Laughton was just amazing. I recently watched Jamaica Inn with him as the flopish villain and he ate up every moment he was on screen.

    As for showdowns - if we can just get Senators like Leahy and Obama to shut up about capitulation then we might be able to get something done.

  5. Yup, I'd say it's good ol' politics, with a steamin' heap o'ego.

    I think it's just a stall tactic while they rally the Ann Coulter/Sean Hannity/Michelle Malkin/Bill O'Reilly cabal.

    OK Fundies and "Heritage" folks! Lets rally around sumpin' ....that ain't even nothin' git excited about...

  6. Dean,

    You are SO Web 2.0. This crusty old geek had to look up Tag Cloud over at Wikipedia to get a glimpse of what the heck you were talking about.

    Now, on topic...

    YES! A Constitutional Crisis is just what the doctor ordered. It could be the only way to fix all the holes our leaders have punched in that forlorn document.

    Not that will happen, but...

  7. I dunno Dean, those gals in "the Bounty" sure helped me transition to manhood...

    What was this post about?

    Oh yeah, Bush is a little whiney bitch

  8. Your tag cloud is very impressive. Where is it again?

  9. don,

    I'm actually Web 2.00313.221331. They've had to release a couple of patches.


    Yeah, well it did have THAT going for it. I didn't say it was a bad flick. I just prefer the original.


    Least I have one. (SNAP!)

  10. Seriously? Least I have one? Why not just say I am rubber, you are glue? When you come up with a good comeback I'll be waiting.

    Probably for a very long time. ;)

  11. I know you are, but what am I?
