Monday, March 26, 2007

You gotta have presence on the court. Presence like a cheetah rather than a chimp.

College basketball is an strange thing. It has a reputation for fairness over the other NCAA sports, especially football. This is probably mainly due to their playoff system in which Cinderalla teams can stun the big conference teams. After watching a few games this season and following the playoffs a little more closely this year I'd have to say I agree with this guy that that reputation is in danger (

Both games yesterday featured ticky-tack fouls that seemed to go one way and big guys throwing elbows that weren't drawing fouls. Having almost the entire starting lineup of the Ducks foul out while the Florida starters had no more than 2 fouls each is joke. I don't want to put on a tinfoil hat but it sure looks like the fix is in.


  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I agree the refereeing was fairly harsh against the Ducks. Still, this was a great season for them. Their best record since 1945, Pac 10 tournament champs, beating #1 UCLA, beating 2 of this years final 4 teams (UCLA and Gerogetown). It was fun to watch and with 3 and probably 4 starters returning next year they should be able to build on this season.

  2. Aaron,

    I was hoping you'd respond.

    Yep- next year ought to be even better!


  3. I hope so too. The Ducks kicked butt and, just like the early 90s Blazers, you can't let a little corporate corruption ruin your enjoyment of their achievements (because it is going to happen every time).

    The Pac-10 in general proved the West owns basketball like the East owns football.

  4. With that said, I discovered that Florida probably wouldn't have made it past the 2nd round if the games had all been called evenly...check this research I did.

    Fouls in the NCAA tournament

    Jackson St 20, Florida 13
    Purdue 23, Florida 14
    Butler 25, Florida 12
    Oregon 30, Florida 14
    UCLA 26, Florida 17

    Margin of Free throw attempts / Margin of Victory

    Jackson St. 13 / 43
    Purdue 18 / 7
    Butler 15 / 8
    Oregon 27 / 8
    UCLA 18 / 10

    The question is, "Will Ohio State catch a break?"

  5. In case you were curious, here is how Ohio State matches up. They probably should have been ousted in the Sweet 16 by Tennessee.

    Fouls in the NCAA tournament

    Georgetown 15, Ohio State 12
    Memphis 29, Ohio State 15
    Tennessee 24, Ohio State 17
    Xavier 21, Ohio State 19
    Central Connecticut St. 12, Ohio State 5

    Margin of Free throw attempts / Margin of Victory

    Georgetown 11 / 7
    Memphis 21 / 16
    Tennessee 18 / 1
    Xavier 4 / 7
    Central Connecticut St. 8 / 21

  6. And fair is fair, here is Oregon...
    (Although it could be said Oregon had a slight advantage, when placed next to Florida, it is harder to make that claim)

    Fouls in the NCAA tournament

    Miami (OH) 15, Oregon 12
    Winthrop 14, Oregon 13
    UNLV 21, Oregon 20
    Florida 14, Oregon 30

    Margin of Free throw attempts / Margin of Victory

    Miami (OH) 7 / 2
    Winthrop 4 / 14
    UNLV 10 / 4
    Florida -27 / -8

  7. Don,

    Thanks for bringing the math into it...

    Florida's been arguing that their big guys DRAW the fouls.

    I find that a pretty nonsensical argument. Their big guys are also elbowing and rolling right over the smaller guys.

    The thing is- basketaball reffing is arbitrary by design. A well reffed game would probably be fairly even.

