Friday, February 09, 2007

You've taken something I did as a lark for a couple of years and turned it into a colossal waste of time.

It's hard to believe but I've been blogging for exactly one year as of this last Saturday. Nowhere near don's record, but still...

I've been spending free time tagging all the posts from last year. Basically I just wanted to see what film/ television wells I dip into for quotes most often. I think that may say something about me on a subconscious level.

Let's drop Star Wars (11 quotes) and Star Trek (11 quotes) of the mix right away since those numbers unfairly. Here are the films and television shows I've quoted the most last year-

The American President (3)

The Simpsons (3)

The Wizard of Oz (3)

This is Spinal Tap (3)

Young Frankenstein (3)

Aliens (3)

Back to the Future (3)

Battlestar Galactica (3)

Blazing Saddles (3)

Caddyshack (3)

V for Vendetta (3)
Saturday Night Live (4)

And my number one non-Star Wars/ non-Star Trek entertainment source for quotes-

The Princess Bride (5)

I'm a little embarrassed that there are few "serious" titles on that list but I'm comforted in the realization that most of those comedic quotes were often juxtaposed against rants on war and carnage so I think it's fair to say that if this list tells me anything about myself it's that 1) I love irony and 2) I really, really need to get a life.


  1. Hey at least you can type.

  2. whaddya talkin' about? Blogging IS your life!

    Just kiddin', but actually since it keeps your synapses firing more than occasionally, blogging'll keep your mind active in your old age.

    'Cuz you'll need it after the logistical whirlwind known as "teen social/activity life" - and I only have one kid!

  3. Yeah,
    If you quoted from more from serious sources I would want to hang out with you more often. That's the sort of person I like to spend quality time with. If you could make these posts more dense, verbose, and boring I would appreciate that as well.

  4. 'Cuz you'll need it after the logistical whirlwind known as "teen social/activity life" - and I only have one kid!

    I'm doomed.


  5. If you quoted from more from serious sources I would want to hang out with you more often. That's the sort of person I like to spend quality time with. If you could make these posts more dense, verbose, and boring I would appreciate that as well.

    Perhaps I should have chosen William F. Buckley as my web alter-ego.
