Thursday, February 22, 2007

They was giving me ten thousand watts a day, you know, and I'm hot to trot!

If we lived in China you'd all have electrodes strapped to your toes.


  1. What a bunch of baloney. "Internet addiction" - what, the kids' like to do online gaming too much? Visiting forbidden websites?

    If they really wanted to cure this thing, or they were worried about social interaction for said kids, they just pull the plug on the 'puter, take away their phone/ipod.

    And no, they can't play at jimmy's house.

    Problem solved.

  2. Ah China. How capitalesque and freedomish.

    Good thing we don't support that kind of oppression.

  3. Visiting forbidden websites?

    I think that's what they're really worried about.

    Good thing we don't support that kind of oppression.

    Nah. We won't torture people for web surfing. We'll just let corporations control everything they see.
