Monday, November 06, 2006

Look at these three words written larger than the rest. With a special pride never written before.

We the people, baby! Tomorrow we start the long journey to take our country back.


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    My favorite Star Trek episode. Shatner really gets to overact in that one.

    I'm excited about this election. But then I'm a geek; I didn't get my driver's license until I was 21 but I registered to vote on my 18th birthday. (I also registered with Selective Service; goody two shoes.)

  2. My favorite Star Trek episode. Shatner really gets to overact in that one.

    Yep. What's odd is that even though it's camp and it's Shatner it still makes me feel pretty patriotic to watch his silly speech.

    Although for sheer Shatner at his best I usually go for the episode where the transporter splits him into the evil and the good kirk or the last episode of the series where an evil female doctor switches bodies with him and he has to act like a woman.

    Fingers crossed for today...

  3. Nope. My favorite Shatner/Trek moment is still him fighting Finnegan, and picking the flower and thinking of Rose in the pleasure planet episode. Did you see his roast? Classic!

  4. the roast is hysterical My favorite bits are the Takei take-down and the phone call to Nimoy asking him to join in.

    "I'm still on the phone you schmuck."

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Hey very nice blog!! Man .. Beautiful .. Amazing .. I will bookmark your blog and take the feeds also...
