Friday, October 20, 2006

You have created a monster and it will destroy you.

As a "fallen" Catholic I've always had only a passing interest in the last few years of priest/ pedophilia scandals that've not only plagued the church, but come close to bankrupting it in many areas of the country.

From what I did read about the scandals the legal strategy of the church when they were accused was to deny the accusations while simultaneously attacking the reputation of accuser. Not very Christian, but the best they could come up with.

The current jag the Foley/ page scandal has taken into his own victimization at the hands of a Catholic priest some years ago is a diversion to the much larger story of the cover-up. But the church's reaction to Foley's accusations of abuse is downright stunning. Instead of the deny/ attack strategy they've taken the exact opposite tact from every other priest sexual abuse case; admit and apologize.

A cynical man might say that the only thing different in this case is that the accuser is was a congressional Republican whose party is being crucified by the media over their failure to reign in Foley and that the Catholic church has a vested interest in keeping Republicans in power. A story such as this provides both a convienent excuse for Foley's objectionable behavior and a distraction from the fact that the GOP leadership looked the other way as Foley stalked children.

Luckily, I am not such a cynic.

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