Monday, April 10, 2006

Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.

Our President today said:

“I got out a little early on the issue by saying ‘axis of evil,”’ Bush said. “But I meant it. I saw it as a problem. And now many others have come to the conclusion that the Iranians should not have a nuclear weapon.”

Because nobody else could see the threat of Iranian nukes before Mr. Big Thinker came along.


  1. There is a great article at Juan Cole's blog on this very issue: Iran Can Now Make glowing Mickey Mouse Watches

  2. Thanks for that.

    Man Cole seems to have his finger on what's really going on.

    Politics all around.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Then I will support dropping glowing Mickey Mouse Watches on Iran, but not full nukes. An eye for an eye and all that. Let's keep this fair.
