Friday, April 21, 2006

Hey you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses on, would you? Huh?

Atrios points us towards Joe Lieberman's pathetic "Can't we just agree to disagree?" ad he just started running in Connecticut. Lieberman seems to think he can get out of his slobbering support for the Iraq boondoggle, not to mention the lips on the posterior position he's assumed towards The Worst President in Historytm, with a simple shrug and a smile.

"I already know that some of you feel passionately against my position in Iraq. I respect your views, and while we probably won't change each others' minds, I hope we can still have a dialogue and find common ground on all the issues where we do agree," Lieberman says in the TV spot.

Let me see if I can put this in terms Joe might understand...

"I already know that some of you feel passionately against my position requiring crying babies be fed to rabid Dobermans. I respect your views, and while we probably won't change each others' minds, I hope we can still have a dialogue and find common ground on all the issues where we do agree," Lieberman says in the TV spot.

We aren't talking tax policy here, Joe. The war in Iraq is the most serious issue facing this country in thirty years and you're on the wrong side of it.



  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I was talking to a liberal friend of mine about the Lieb when a Republican friend of mine (I know, I still have one or two) came in and he was very surprised "What's wrong with Lieberman?" He said this as if we were bashing Clinton, he really had no idea why we wouldn't like Jomentum. I'm sure there are plenty of dems that feel the same way. Stupid media.

  2. I saw that article and was gonna write on it if I had a sec. Crazy stuff. Infuriating when I think about it.

    I could see a misdemeanor but a federal felony.

    Irony truly is dead.

    As to my Lieberman thing you should play the "agree to disagree" game. I'd like to see a couple of your examples.

    Here's another of mine...

    "I already know that some of you feel passionately against my position requiring posters of a hairy, naked Ed Asner be hung across all federal highways."


    "I already know that some of you feel passionately against my position requiring all individuals against the war in Iraq to report wear pink peace symbols on their arms when in public."

  3. I would like someone in power to start insisting on identifying Tank Man, and see if he is in prison and pay back this hero of freedom.

  4. Yeah tank man is a great mystery as I recall.

    I'm sure he died in the equivalent of a Chinese gulag somewhere.

  5. Anonymous6:43 PM

    He's probably at Gitmo.
