Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm a Doctor, not an Engineer.

It's good that the Amazing Karnack, aka Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, has dusted off costume and begun performing again. There'd been some talk after last year's show in which he tried to miraculously diagnose the condition of Terri Schiavo from hundreds of miles away via videotape, while standing on his head no less, that Karnack had hung up his cape for good.

You'll recall that the ensuing performance debacle rivaled the Harry Houdini "I-can-take-a-punch-to-the-abdomen" trick, the Evil Knieval "I-can-jump-the-Snake-River-Canyon" stunt and the Steven Bochco "I-can-produce-a-show-about-singing-policeman" Cop Rock disaster. The resulting abuse hurled at Senator Frist caused many of us to worry we'd seen the last of his act, but he's back and he's back in form:

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said President George W. Bush didn't need court approval when he authorized a National Security Agency surveillance program, and that the U.S. law establishing a special court to review national security wiretap requests doesn't need to be changed.

All in the absence of congressional hearings determining the legality of the wiretapping program under FISA and judicial review of the constitutionality of the program.

As a long time fan I'd like to send this out to Karnack: Bravo, sir! Well done!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I can do the karnak shtick too:
    "The Dark Ages."
    Opens envelope.
    "Where we are headed under the current administration's leadership."
