Thursday, February 16, 2006

Freeze, Gopher!

The world remains atwitter over the Veep's friendly fire incident, ominous silence and then belated mea culpa on FOX(*) Over at Digby's spot Tristero pondered Bob Herbert's call today for Cheney to step down/ pass his evil legacy to another. Tristero points out that neither scenario: Cheney staying or Cheney stepping aside to be replaced would be good for the country.

Now I see that Peggy Noonan joined the chorus of Cheney-must-goers. Wow. Just... wow. Once you've lost the support of a conservative leg-humper like Noonan you really have sunk to unbelievable depths. I still think the average Winger wouldn't blink twice had Cheney been caught dining on a live baby. It's the fact that Cheney shot a rich, white lawyer that gets to them. This is somebody they can identify with. This is one of THEM.

Ultimately, all the calls for Cheney to down seem silly. Cheney won't leave his job for the same reason he got his job in the first place: he picked himself. He is Vice President because, in his best judgement, he is the most qualified man for the job of Vice President. So as long as Dick Cheney has confidence in the job Dick Cheney is doing then Dick Cheney will be Vice President. Simple as that.

(* I refuse to use the liberal convention of referring to "Fox" news as "Faux" news only because it stopped being clever after about the one zillioneth time it was used.)


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Now it's cool to call it F-news.

  2. Now who's trying to be street?

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